Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Wisecrackers Final

This week's Newbury Comedy Festival was started last night with the Wisecrackers final. Young people from 11 to 18 took part; they came from Reading, Caversham, Farnborough and Hungerford - sadly none from Newbury - we'll have to rectify that next year!!

I was amazed at the confidence of the participants. I went along with the whole family, and we all had a good evening. A number of the acts had brought along fans from school or college, so there was much good natured cheering and heckling (the latter was reserved for the professional comedians, of which there were three, who had been mentoring the finalists to improve their comedy skills).

The judges had a very tough job choosing one winner (£100 personal prize, and £500 for their school), they argued it out for 20 minutes, but settled on Christian Robertson, a 15 year old from Caversham. Theo and Louis (my sons) were pleased, as he was their favourite, with jokes about mushy peas and supermarket shopping. All the material was original and the six acts encompassed many different styles of comedy. I hope this event takes off in a big way next year, I shall certainly be attempting to talk some people into entering!

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