Wednesday, November 15, 2006

West Berks Education Business Partnership AGM

At Monday lunchtime I went to the WBEBP AGM at the Donnington Valley Hotel. The Cromwell Room was packed - I dont think I have ever been to such a well attended AGM. A number of West Berks officers and councillors were there including the Chair; our MP Richard Benyon; Brien Beherall of the NWN; many teaching staff, including head of sixth form at Park House, and Head of St Barts. There were also school challenge competition winners from Downs School, and two St Barts pupils who talked about the benefits of their year 10 work experience.

One of the key things WBEBP do is to match hundreds of year 10s with work placements for a week every year. They also run business projects with local companies, and emergency services, mostly for the benefit of secondary school children. Its a shame they dont work more with children below the age of 12, but I still envy those who do get to take part in the business challenges - there was nothing like that when I was at school!

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