Saturday, December 09, 2006

Aldermaston York Nativity Play

Last night Mum and I were guests at the Aldermaston York Nativity play. Each year the play is performed over a number of nights at the parish church of St Mary the Virgin, by a cast from Aldermaston and the surrounding area. The play is based on the original texts of the six plays of the medieval York cycle, and the costumes are medieval in style.

The setting of the parish church could not be more appropriate, as it is a twelfth century building and full of atmosphere and beautiful murals. The language of the play is forteenth centuary poetry, and cannot be easy to learn, but the actors are all word perfect, which may have something to do with the fact that they have done this before - in the case of the third shepherd Leslie Woodley, 43 times before, because this is his 44th year in the job! Local legend, Pat Eastop MBE, had the idea of putting on this nativity play in 1957, and she has produced and directed it ever since. She is the only original member of the group, but the magical thing is the continuity - only four Mary's have taken part in 50 years, and many of the cast have parents, partners, children, nephews and nieces that have been involved at some time in those years.

I was thrilled to attend as Mayor in the 50th year of this wonderful tradition, and will be thinking of them all tomorrow when cast members past and present re-unite for a celebratory party. Pictured is Pat with two of the kings and one of the maids.

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