Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Cine Club film premiere

After a very quiet few weeks for me as Mayor, I was back in action last night at the second Cine Club film premiere at the Corn Exchange. This is an event the whole family had been looking forward to.

Five secondary schools from West Berkshire; Speenhamland Primary School and the Newbury Day Centre all entered their latest four minute movies, and this time there was a winner chosen by the audience. The picture shows my son Theo with his colleagues from the Trinity Cine Club, whose film was a music video to 'Monkey Wrench' by the Foo Fighters (hence the gorrilla!). The Corn Exchange was packed with members of the seven cine clubs, their mentors and family and friends, and there was a charged atmosphere! Christina Pepper of the Corn Exchange presented the evening, and there were three professional judges who awarded clapperboards for the best script (Speenhamland), best acting (Newbury Day Centre), Best music ( Kennet School) and best editing (Theale Green). All groups had visibly improved on technique since last time - Mary Hare's was notable because it showcased the school band 'the Deafness'.

I have to confess my favourite was Theale Green (sorry Theo!) who did a spoof martial arts movie called Bully This (Stuart tells me it was largely based on Kill Bill, but I've never seen it), complete with bad dubbing and over the top sound effects - very funny. I'm pleased to say it won the audience vote and will be going into the National Cine Club competition - Good Luck Theale Green!

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