Thursday, October 05, 2006

25 years of NCH at Greenham House

Also tonight I attended the party to celebrate the 25th anniversary of NCH running the childrens centre at Greenham House in Newbury. It was much more than just an anniversary though - NCH were saying goodbye to Greenham House, as it is being transferred to the control of West Berkshire Council, and some of the staff will not be carrying on. It was also an evening to celebrate the work of the manager Rosemary who is retiring after 18 years in charge at Greenham House, and 42 years of social work (its hard to believe she has been working since I was born).

It was a real privilege to witness the speeches there tonight. I've never been inside Greenham House before, and not known what a lovely warm, friendly atmosphere it has. The staff and volunteers are obviously held in such high regard, and it was very moving to hear what they had to say about the last 25 years, and Rosemary's career. It brought home to me how important it is for community services like this to have staff continuity - it is a rare thing these days, and something we take for granted at our peril.

Pictured are Rosemary and Helen (Helen is staying on, and has worked at Greenham House for 25 years!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I tend to get a bit weepy yet am encouraged at the many shakers and movers in the world and even in small town's like mine, Gill. I've been a part of my town's activities and have shed many tears in joy of accomplishments for myself and for the many others.

Thanks ever so much for visiting Maryannaville. We are humbled that you would stop in and visit awhile and hope that you'll visit again when you have a chance to say hello.

I'll be keeping up with the Mayor of Newberry's activities and will no doubt be smiling with pride at the latest achievements posted.

Thanks Again!
Mary Ann