Thursday, October 05, 2006

Braunfels - day two

The day began with a two hour discussion about the EU - this was in German, but thankfully translated into English! Prior to the weekend a questionnaire had been issued to the twin town associations of the towns taking part, and the responses were revealed at the meeting. It transpired that the Spanish and Italian twins were much keener on the expansion of the EU than the Germans were (who felt their jobs would be threatened), and from the discussion it was clear that the German teenagers taking part believed that their countrymen should be able to vote in a referendum on the new EU constitution - the guest university lecturers said it was not in the German constitution.

After lunch we toured the beautiful castle of Braunfels, which dates from the 12th century, and is a big tourist attraction. Part of the castle is still lived in by the decendants of the original Count who built it!

In the evening we visited an historic watermill, followed by a Hungarian evening, with entertainment by the dancers and musicians from Kiskunfelegyhaza (who visited Newbury in July). The buffet was delicious!

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