Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Vodafone Art Exhibition

Last night I went to my first official engagement with my husband Stuart. It was an exhibition of Vodafone employees' art at the Vodafone pavilion. There were some stunning paintings on show, and proceeds went to the charity YouthNet which runs a popular website giving information to young people.

Will Carling gave a brief but funny speach, and the canapes were plentiful - but I was very good (having been warned by Val to be careful as its so easy to put weight on as the Mayor!). I met a magistrate there who had been at Val's last official engagement on Saturday - the regional final of the mock trials in Reading - so he'd met two Mayors of Newbury in three days.

1 comment:

Gill said...

'slip of a girl' - never been described as that before - but with Mayors its all relative! You dont appear to have written anything on your blog yet.