Thursday, November 16, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth

This afternoon I went to the Corn Exchange to see An Inconvenient Truth, a film about global warming by Al Gore. Richard Benyon, with a sponsor, had block booked a large proportion of seats for the afternoon performance of the film, and invited councillors, church leaders and teachers to the viewing.

What most suprised me was that Al Gore has been campaigning against the causes of global warming since before most of us had heard about it, and he has travelled the world with his 'slide show' for many years. This slide show formed the basis of the film, with many graphs and statistics to prove his point scientifically beyond doubt. What a shame he didn't win the presidential election in 2000 - it is interesting to think that the CO2 emissions from the USA may have declined by now rather than increased year on year as they have done. Thankfully since the recent elections in America there is a new chair of the environment committee who actually believes global warming exists, so thats a start!

I walked home through Victoria Park in an unseasonally mild afternoon wondering what the future holds...

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