Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Newbury Youth Theatre - Hope Springs

This evening I went to the new Arlington Theatre at the Mary Hare Grammar School to see the Newbury Youth Theatre production of Hope Springs. The NYT have performed this play at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival to four star reviews. I took Louis along, as he enjoys performing arts and I thought it might inspire him!

The play is about a group of teenagers in a private 'correctional facility' who rebel against the regime. It had echoes of TVs Brat Camp, and also of 'Holes'. It was well staged and acted - a lot of dialogue to learn - but some good opportunity for expression too! The play is currently on tour around schools in West Berkshire, with just one more to visit - clearly a very dedicated theatre group, it will be interesting to see what they do next.

1 comment:

Paul Walter said...


This blog is looking fantastic! You have done very well to do so many posts and photos on almost all of them. Well done.